Stanley Perlman Laboratory
The Perlman Laboratory is dedicated to unraveling the complexities of respiratory and neurological diseases caused by pathogenic human coronaviruses. Our research primarily focuses on understanding the host-pathogen interactions in SARS, MERS, and SARS-CoV-2 infections, with a special emphasis on the roles of myeloid cells and T-cells in mediating immune responses. We aim to elucidate the mechanisms underlying coronavirus-induced neuroinflammation and demyelinating diseases. Additionally, our lab is committed to investigating the long-term effects of COVID-19, commonly referred to as Long-COVID, and understanding the SARS-CoV-2 mediated neurological sequelae using mouse models. Through our comprehensive studies on both human and murine systems, we strive to contribute to the development of effective treatments and interventions for these devastating diseases.

Stanley Perlman, MD, PhD and lab members
Left to right
Ruangang Pan, Skyler Moye, Noah Schuster, Kurt Bedell, Stanley Perlman, Denise Weinard, Abhishek Verma, Shea Lowery
Kurt Bedell
I am responsible for overseeing all lab equipment maintenance, ordering all lab supplies, managing lab stock protocols, genotyping, onboarding new lab personnel and coordinating with the BSL3 labs.